Even playing with our Kung Fu weapons can be serious business.
A relaxed overhead strike pushes down our single-piece roadie.

When you can't strike -- STAB. When you can't stab -- KICK!

Kung Fu Cowboy with the legendary 3-Sectional Staff. This is one of the most difficult Kung Fu weapons to master.
"I carried my 3-sectional everywhere I went for a couple years," says Buddha Zhen.
"I've got a few of them, but my favorite is the one with all the slice marks in it from my student's swords."

Kung Fu Cowboy demonstrates the FIGURE-8 with his 3-sectional staff.

Roadie Sam looks nervous. He should be.
Once that 3-sectional starts coming down on his head there's no way for either of them to stop it.

Coyote's favorite Double Sabers. Notice how the handles are cut it half so that both swords can fit into one sword case.
These swords may be used in the upcoming KUNG FU COWBOY ROCK & ROLL MOVIE 1.
Coyote is scripted to take on a half-dozen gangsters with his double sabers.

The double sabers bring out the ferocity in our Kung Fu Cowboy.
"Sabers are an aggressive weapon," pants Coyote. "I am half tiger and half garbage disposal."

Coyote moves in to take out the garbage.