Buddha Zhen demonstrates the DOUBLE TIGER HOOK SWORDS.
Each sword includes hook, double edges, dagger on butt, and bladed crescent over the hand.

Kung Fu Cowboy steps backward into "CROSSOVER STANCE" to reach opponent while lowering himself down.

Kung Fu Cowboy uses "REVERSE FORWARD STANCE" to shift his body out of reach without moving his feet.

Another view of Kung Fu Cowboy's "REVERSE FORWARD STANCE" which he unwinds to create more powerful strike.
"Even one-handed," explains Coyote, "I want to cut deep to the bone."

Using the butt end of a halberd provides quicker blocking and enables a huge smashing blow when available.

Waiting for the opponent to make a move so Coyote can find an opening for a smashing halberd blow.

This is a great halberd because it is also a spear.
A slight twist of the wrist can trap the opponent's sword in the front hooks and...

Kung Fu Cowboy in deep doo-doo as Roadie Sam moves in to slice Kung Fu Cowboy's fingers off.

Fast retreat with a block saves the day so Coyote can continue to fondle the strings of his Fender Stratocaster.